Redbud, Grand Canyon, Arizona
I was backpacking alone once for six days on the south side of the Canyon and was surprised to see that redbud can be found there. One evening I encountered another fellow who was also hiking alone, but in the other direction. We had stopped at the same spot to camp and it turned out, much to my surprise that he had purchased two copies of my first calendar. For nine years I photographed, designed, and produced a line of calendars, co-published by Friends of the Earth, titled The Last Wildlands. It was a great pleasure to work with David Brower in the editing of the pictures and text. When I was younger it had occurred to me that I wouldn't mind working for him. Few if any other people have earned that distinction for my part. It's fitting that that's just how it worked out. We worked on 12 or 13 publications in all together, and in the end, after having briefly entertained the notion that I was his favorite photographer of all, he decided that I would have to share that distinction with my two greatest heros of landscape photography, Eliot Porter and Ansel Adams, both of whom he had also known very well. Needless to say, I did not find this even a little bit disappointing.