Viewing posts in Citizenship (30)

October 16th, 2024

The Key to Saving the MAGA — and Us All

Rally in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania, Wednesday, October 16th, 2024, featuring many Republican officials and Vice President Harris.  Watch and save your soul:

Vice President starts at 15:00, finishes at ~41:00.


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October 2nd, 2024

Unmasking the Bullshit Volcano

In 2017, photographer William Moon, going by photowhitehouse, made this photograph at the White House.  The subject predictably claimed later that the picture was “photoshopped”, because he hoped that no one would believe this reflects his actual appearance.  Unluckily for...

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September 22nd, 2024

Your Voter Registration Has Been Purged!

Or has it?  In many states, during the runup to the November 5th, 2024 election, millions of voters' registrations are being systematically deleted, changed to "inactive" or purged altogether, using a variety of criminal, GOP schemes to target voters whom they expect...

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August 6th, 2024

"Trump" Revealed

My take on what makes him tick:

1) His only goal in life is to prove to himself that he’s the ultimate “winner” and “killer”, meaning simply that he has to get the better of more people, in bigger ways, than anyone else.

2) His remarkably absolute devotion to that...

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May 27th, 2024

Why is the Guy Who Told Us to Drink Bleach a Step Away from Being President?

Trump's political Teflon coating is at least a hundred times more effective than Reagan’s was in his wildest dreams. Why?

by Thom Hartmann  May 23, 2024

See it on his website

His daily posts on Substack

That article contains the most complete list of Little Shitler's...

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April 1st, 2024

Comprehending the Threat

I've never heard it put quite so succinctly as Robert Reich did in this wonderful, six-minute video.  If you love your country, your family, the American land, sanity, justice — whatever — share this video:

The Great Dictator


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February 9th, 2024

Confused about Google's product offerings?

I have always found the UI's and the built-in documentation for Google's many software offerings (excepting their travel agent-like program) to be monumentally confusing.  Today I finally found a support person (by chatting with no fewer than seven different ones) who knew her stuff...

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November 4th, 2023

CNR and CRS — A Half Century of Environmental Awareness

On a personal, and education-related note, a beautifully done article about the 54-year history of my major at the University of California at Berkeley (i.e. at Cal) has recently been published in both the printed and online versions of Breakthroughs Magazine.  It contains two of my...

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June 17th, 2023

How your world is being stolen

And how "No Labels" is one of many projects to cement that horrific outcome:

Required reading!  Thom Hartmann's article published June 16th, 2023

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February 1st, 2023

Setting up a Rheem Heat Pump Water Heater, Part 3

My Experiment to Compare the Power Consumption of Heat Pump Mode Versus Energy Saver Mode

Over the last eleven days I ran a series of experiments which limited the number of variables to two: heat pump modes and water usage levels.  Rheem insists that their Energy Saver mode is more...

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January 22nd, 2023

Setting up a Rheem Heat Pump Water Heater, Part 2

(Updated February 1, 2023 after a long series of experiments revealed surprising results)

How to Save a New Schedule

After opening the app (EcoNet version 6.x, not the slight variant called Rheem EcoNet nor the other slight variant called Ruud EcoNet), click the central area of the first screen...

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January 21st, 2023

Optimizing the Controls of a Rheem Heat Pump Water Heater

(Updated January 31, 2023 after a long series of experiments revealed surprising results)

This series of three articles is about my quest to optimize the energy efficiency, operating cost and indirect pollution effects of a new heat pump water heater using the controls in Rheem's EcoNet...

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March 18th, 2022

"I'll be back" - "Я вернусь"

Don't miss Arnold's magnificently conceived, 9-minute video message to the people of Russia, posted late on Tuesday, March 15th, 2022:

Не пропустите великолепно продуманное 9-минутное видеообращение Арнольда к народу России, опубликованное поздно вечером во вторник, 15 марта 2022 года:


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March 10th, 2022

"Putin" is Russian for Hitler

As "Trump" is German for Bullshit. 

Little Vladimir, the world's #1 terrorist, strikes again, proving that the power-hungry, skilled liar is humanity's worst enemy.

Any populace that is either ignorant about the basic facts of democracy or otherwise unable to keep a wannabe dictator from...

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February 27th, 2022

We Are All Ukrainians Now

This face reveals plainly the quintessence of the thing that National Defense is for. The life-long, KGB spy master has finally come fully into his own, but his character has never changed and has been as obvious as the contrived non-expression on his face ever since we’ve known him.

If WW II...

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January 24th, 2022

Voter Fraud Is Not The Same as Election Fraud

Election fraud is alive and well in America, and has been thriving for decades if not longer. It's millions of times bigger than voter fraud. And this appalling fact means that American elections absolutely are rigged. Trump was right about that, but of course he was lying about who was rigging...

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January 14th, 2022

A Viral Infection is a Race and Vaccines Help You Win the Race

I’m decidedly not a virologist, but I do pay attention, and it strikes me that a glaring omission continues to be made in explaining to us all about how viral infections and vaccines work.

A viral infection is a race — a race that starts when a virus gets into you and successfully enters a cell,...

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January 14th, 2022

Two Huge Climate Messaging Errors

There has been and continues to be a long-standing problem with the way that methane is described as a greenhouse gas (GHG). The proper way to describe the strength of the various GHG’s using a pound of CO2 emitted (or a pound in the sky) as the benchmark would be to say A) How much heat is...

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January 11th, 2022

Tuesday, January 11, 2022 — D-Day is Upon Us

The fate of the American republic, and therefore of democracy worldwide, hangs by a thread.  That thread will either prove to be a lifeline or will be cut, most likely by next Monday, January 17th, 2022.

The Freedom to Vote Act and the updated Voting Rights Act must reach President Biden's...

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December 12th, 2020

The Man Who Never Laughs

There are only two things that one needs to know to thoroughly understand our 45th President.

The first is simply that he harbors good will toward no one.

The second is that his one great purpose in life is to prove himself to be the ultimate "winner" or “killer,” in the lingo of his family,...

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October 11th, 2017

Making the Electoral College Work

Lawrence Lessig has another great new project to help save the republic. Ending the winner-take-all practice of the Electoral College process will return presidential elections to the principle of one person one vote and reclaim this most fundamental aspect of democracy from the catastrophically...

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January 24th, 2010

Catastrophe for American Democracy

On Thursday, January 21st, 2010, the Supreme Court of the United States, in what is surely one of the three worst rulings in the history of the court, perpetrated a heinous crime against American democracy and the future of the American people. The five justices responsible were naturally: John...

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April 6th, 2008

Have We Already Passed Earth's Warming Limits?

(updated April 24, 2008)

For some time it has been clear to me that the changes we're seeing in the arctic, especially, prove beyond a reasonable doubt that we have long since passed critical major tipping points in the Earth's climate system. Perhaps the most important surprise from the...

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December 10th, 2007

Speech by Al Gore at his Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize

DECEMBER 10, 2007

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Honorable members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen.

I have a purpose here today. It is a purpose I have tried to serve for many...

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October 12th, 2007

Al Wins! (again)

Seriously, Al Gore's receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize for his tremendous commitment to educating the people of the world about the consequences of our unsustainable mistreatment of the sky is another major turning point in the effort to prevent the unfolding global catastrophe from taking us to...

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September 14th, 2007

Summer 2007 — Stunning Record Loss of Arctic Sea Ice!

On Friday the 17th of August, 2007, a news report on NPR revealed that the extent of the Arctic sea ice had, surprisingly, just reached a new all-time low extent (area), a full six weeks ahead of the expected seasonal minimum, meaning that the low ice extent for 2007 would be a record low by a...

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August 28th, 2007

Making it Visible

Please take a minute to watch this fabulous video spot that does something we've been needing for a long time, a way to visualize accurately this invisible but critically important process: Black Balloon.

Or this newer one, brilliantly illustrating the immense scale of our pollution: ...

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August 1st, 2007

Debunking the Skeptics — Re: Hurricanes

On today's installment of Fresh Air, on National Public Radio, the climatologist Kerry Emanuel, professor at MIT's Deparment of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, gave a very succinct explanation of how it is that human-induced atmospheric changes are indeed responsible for the major...

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June 4th, 2007

Dire New Climate Warnings

A new study conducted by NASA, authored by 48 scientists, warns that the so-called tipping points for the Earth's climate are much closer than previously thought. The critical thresholds for atmospheric CO2 levels may be "much lower than 450 ppm", meaning that we may already be beyond the...

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October 27th, 2006

Watershed Moments in Our History

(Update Nov 3, 2006)

Two Giant Crises Meet Opportunity for Solutions in California Ballot Measures

Last night, November 1st (2006), President Clinton addressed a crowd of over three thousand supporters of Prop 87 in San Francisco, giving a speech that if heard by the voters would result in the...

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