Trees in fog, Minarets Wilderness, California
After being up late reloading film holders, I awoke, at nearly eight in the morning on about the fifth day of the same cold and rainy burro trip mentioned in another story or two, and peeked out of the tent to discover that we were now camped inside of a cloud. I quickly set out to inspect the lovely little lakes beside us. Not fifty yards away, I found this miraculous scene, and quickly made the setup and many exposures. The fog and the water surface changed constantly, with major impact on the image, and each chrome (transparency) is different. Ample fog close to the camera was necessary because it increased the luminosity of the nearby rock shadows up to fourfold, reducing the overall contrast an equal amount and making an excellent original possible. Had the fog not lasted a long time, I would have had no chance at this image. The thing that most amazed me that morning though, was that the rest of our group was mostly quite disinterested in this little miracle that I had found and quite interested in their hot breakfast.